There are various types of lithium batteries that are available in the market and you can be able to get one based on your need.  Using them over other batteries is something that will benefit you in a number of ways.  Some of the benefits associated with using lithium batteries are briefly highlighted below.

The first benefit of using lithium batteries is that you are sure that they offer a high energy density which makes them ideal to use in a number of equipment.  Most electronic equipment such as mobile phones need to operate for longer and since they take up a lot of power, using that batteries is something that will be able to meet this need because of their high density.  With the lithium batteries, you are sure that they have a higher density and this gives them a higher advantage compared to the other batteries in the market.

Most batteries and cells lose charge over time and this self-discharge can make the equipment you are using to lose a lot of charge in the process.  The disadvantage of most batteries is that they end up losing losing power and it is a challenge if the equipment you are using needs a lot of charge since it will not be able to function properly.  Lithium batteries on the other hand self discharge at a much lower rate which makes them ideal to use.

When you use the lithium batteries, you do not have to worry about priming or preparing the battery before you use them.  For most batteries, priming is something that you need to do when they are receiving their first charge and this is important for such batteries to work properly and have a long life.  The lithium batteries and cells do not require priming and it is something that will end up being beneficial for you in the long run.

Lithium batteries and cells do not require any maintenance so that they are able to perform optimally and this is something that you do not have to worry about with the batteries.  With a variety of batteries, a periodic discharge is required so that they do not exhibit a memory effect.  When you use the lithium batteries, you do not have to worry about the maintenance of the batteries since it is not required when using a lithium power battery.

There are a variety of lithium batteries available depending on what you need and this means that they can be applied to the specific application as needed.  If you have mobile equipment then high current density batteries will be ideal for you.  For electric vehicles and high powered tools, you can also be able to get the batteries that you need and it is easy to get the high powered ones. This page has more info about the advancements in lithium battery tech: